Should you be concerned with response times when buying a Plasma? |
If you want a High Definition television for watching sports, fast action movies
or intense games should you be concerned with response times? Well, If your going
to buy a plasma HDTV then the answer is no.. You should not be concerned with the
panel response time because plasma TV’s response times are much faster then LCD TV’s
response times. This is due to the way the technology paints the picture on the screen!
If you can think at the speed of light you would be correct in saying that plasma’s
can do the same because Plasma Tv’s emit invisible UV light. The UV light then strikes
the RED, GREEN, and BLUE phosphors on the rear of the glass display enabling them
to produce visible light. This process happens at almost instantaneously and at the
most .002 ms (milliseconds)! Much faster then the fastest LCD response time currently
at 2 ms (milliseconds) “at which you will most likely spend a small fortune for an
LCD television with a high-
Your next question might be how does panel response time affect what I am watching?
Good question! When fast action high definition scenes exceed the TV’s maximum display
capability you get slight distortion on the screen, this is known as motion blur
or judder. With plasma televisions motion blur “judder” is pretty much non- |
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